Great coffee, made easy.
First up, the pronunciation. “find?”, “fee-end?”. No. Think - fiend (because we’re all fiends for coffee). But spelt, ‘feind, as in [caf] feind. That’s why we’re all here right? To get caffeind? (...or caffeinated). Make sense? Yes? Good. No? Just say “fee-nd” and no one will know any better. Right, allow us to introduce ourselves and why we have created ‘feind. We will try and keep it brief, but then again we are passionate coffee nerds who love what we do. So apologies in advance if we ramble.
Our mission.
We believe that great quality coffee at home should be accessible and easy for everyone without costing the world. Our mission is to make this a reality by creating products designed to educate and enhance your coffee experience at home.We love our coffee. To be honest, we have probably spent way too much time learning, tasting and not sleeping because of it. We know there are others like us and we wanted to create a place where we could all come together to share this love, without judgment; Coffee, without the snob. No matter where you are in your home brewing journey, you are a part of the ‘feind fam. We hope that you’ll come along on our journey and continue helping us spread the word. If you’re a “feind” for coffee - come and join us.The ‘Feind Coffee Team,Alex & Cameron