Monastery Coffee is a small batch coffee roastery based in Adelaide, South Australia. Working around the clock to deliver traceable and sustainable coffee.

“To us 'traceable' designates two key things - quality and provenance; we only roast coffees of the highest quality and coffees that are traded in a traceable and sustainable manner.
We feel as the roaster it is our role to firstly - roast only to preserve and highlight the individual qualities inherent in each coffee due to the meticulous work of the producers, and secondly - to make sure you know who those producers are and where your coffee came from”.
Monastery believe in an economically sustainable supply chain, wherin everybody from the consumer to the farmer is empowered. For that reason they only roast coffees that are sourced in an ethical, transparent and responsible manner. They go to lengths to ensure all players in the supply chain are remunerated fairly and have access to the same knowledge - most pertinently those in producing countries, who are currently benefiting the least from trade and simultaneously bearing the most risk.
Together we can change that.